Imapsync Online

Copy/synchronize a complete Mailbox to another, without duplicates!

IMAP source Mailbox (usually an email address)
(or its IP address)

IMAP destination Mailbox (usually an email address)
(or its IP address)

If you close this window (or this tab) during the synchronization, it will stop the synchronization, it's like hitting the red button "Stop!" below.

ETA: Estimation Time of Arrival
Progress bar
Progress bar

Console of imapsync launch


Console of Stopping


Log of imapsync run

Link to the bottom of the imapsync log file

Link to the beginning of the imapsync log file

Feel free to contact Gilles LAMIRAL

Imapsync home page Top Bottom
($Id: imapsync_form_extra.html,v 1.35 2024/08/06 18:43:50 gilles Exp gilles $)
Terms and conditions for anything: No limits to do anything with this work and this license!